
A friend asked, “How do you deal with work stress?” By creating milestones and something to look forward to, I build into my schedule some stress relief valves. A quick walk on a lunch break, a talk with a friend or co-worker, and a good music or an Audible book allow for relief during the work day.

On the weekend, I try to build in something to anticipate. A favorite show, a nap, a pedicure, a fancy coffee, a call with a friend. Think about what you value and what brings you joy. And schedule it in to make sure it happens.

We all need re-fueling. Please be kind to yourself.

Happy end of January. Enjoy the weekend.



We are now in bleak mid-January. We are past the holidays, past the excitement of year end.

Please check on your friends. The quiet ones. The funny ones. All your friends.

Whether you text or phone or email or inbox them, ask how they are doing. And listen. People struggling won’t always be vocal about it.

I’m hoping you are weathering this winter well. Wishing you something to do, something to look forward to, and friends to support your life.



Connecting with family members in the time of Covid takes creativity.

We have a monthly Zoom game night. It provides good laugh for all ages and allows us to meet with the kids in different states.

Here are some ideas when connecting with different age groups:

-Dice games




-Heads up (ap on phone)

Keep connecting. Get creative. Enjoy the time spent together.


Happy New Year

Last year, I led a group of friends in creating a vision board. Little did we know what the year would hold. We laughed and said we should talk about what we planned and show each other the 2020 vision boards.

What are you hoping for this new year?

May this year be a fresh start. May you learn about yourself. May you accept yourself.

I hope this year I am better than I was in 2020. Better than who I planned to be in January 2020.

Wishing you a Happy New Year.
