Growing Up

My nephew is 9 and nearing the end of his ‘magical’ days. He is starting to doubt the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, and the Easter bunny.

This week, he asked his parents why the Tooth Fairy didn’t collect his tooth. “Maybe because she couldn’t find it?” “Maybe she’ll get it tonight.”

My nephew said, “But that was 5 days ago.” Oops.

Children have an innocence that fades as they grow up. My nephew is at this point of discovery.

We all grow up and learn truths. Some are harder than others. It’s part of growing up.

What’s a truth you found out lately?



I have a small 2”x3” card with my name on it given by a cousin when I was under 10.  I make a veggie pizza appetizer from my mom’s coworker given to her when I was a teenager.  I still turn off windshield wipers always because the first car I shared with my sister was an old car whose windshield wiper bolt always came loose and we only used as necessary.  I always think about close neighbors when I consider travel plans- they were a brilliant older mother/daughter pair who introduced me to the world through books.

My life is made up of so many people.  So many experiences and memories remain long after the people have left my world or left the world.  I am the sum of my experiences.  I can only hope that I’m a part of a bunch of lives as well.

Who do you remember fondly from growing up?  What recipe, memory, experience has remained long after they left your life?   What is your legacy?

Wishing you sweet memories.


Falling for the Weather

Happy October readers!

Temperatures are falling and things are changing. 

Clothes change with the seasons.  Maybe you are a boots person and put on stylish shoes.  Maybe you are a sweater person and change your wardrobe with the fall.  I am a layers person so I can remove layers once inside or add layers as I get chilly.  I’ve gotten out my heavier layers on closet shelves so they are handy for getting ready in the morning.

Food changes with the season.  I’ve been using my crockpot.  Soup season has begun- tortilla soup, potato soup, and chicken noodle.  And, I’m switching from iced tea to hot black tea with a bit of milk. 

I am changing with the season as well.  I’ve found volunteer opportunities online.  I’m reading and doing some home projects.  And, I’m beginning online training as well for my professional certification next renewal cycle.  I am meeting today with a woman I am mentoring to get her certification.

It’s a good time to enjoy crisp temperatures.  What one area are you going to change for the fall?
