Right Sizing

Dealing with house projects, I have started looking at defining spaces at home. I am creating a craft/creative space.

I started sorting through my crafts to see what I want to bring in the new space. I am giving away or donating things I haven’t used and no longer interest me. I had bought metal sayings, beads, straps, wire, and other items for making bracelets. There is no interest and those items are going. Half used containers of glue or paint or stamp pads that have dried over time are going to be trashed.

I will start my new area with a fresh, organized space.

Can’t we do this with life as well? Define our next chapter and what thoughts, people, and things we want to bring into the next phase of our life. Steer our future by our present decisions.

I hope your next chapter is exactly what you want.

Happy Easter.


Egg hunt

We hosted a nephew for an outdoor egg hunt. He’s two so his parents did most of the searching for the 100+ eggs.

Those are the kinds of activities you can do as a child free couple. Candy? Something that makes noise? An impractical toy? Yes!

They can sugar crash on their parent’s watch. I get the fun activities. I get the excitement of little ones in my life. And, I get a full night’s sleep.

I’ll consider that a win. My golden egg.

Wishing you a happy spring. Bloom where you are planted.



We started a bathroom remodel this week. It started out with changing galvanized pipes to copper due to leaking. Since we have to dismantle a wall and closet in the bathroom to get to the pipes, we now expanded the scope to a full remodel.

There’s intermittent water stoppage. Debris. Dust. Lots of dust to try to manage. A change in habits as we adjust to the loss of bathroom with daily life.

It gets worse before it gets better.

Like anything in life, when you change something- there is debris to clean up. It gets worse before it gets better. But, press forward because the change ahead is worth it. You are worth it.



I’m in the midst of planning an Easter egg hunt for a toddler. I’m hosting an outdoor egg hunt for my nephew next weekend. I’ve been shopping for toddler friendly items as he’s the youngest nephew in the family. It’s been a while since I’ve had to read labels for ages.

But, it’s fun to plan a kid’s activity. I feel like as an aunt, I get some of the best. Fun activities, silly time, and still full nights of sleep.

Easter is the time for renewal. Fresh starts. A season of growth.

I’m also waiting for the bulbs to bloom in various pastel colors. A changing landscape. Part of that changing landscape is for me is to enjoy activities with nephews. I don’t have kids but I can have peace and still make a difference in a different way. That’s growth for me.

What area are you growing in?



Today, my mom gets her second Covid vaccine. Everytime we see each other, she says, “I just want a hug.” But, we don’t. She has co-morbities and I’ve been trying to keep my distance to keep her safe.

Are you a hugger? My family has always hugged. When we greet each other, we hug. When we say good-bye, we hug. So, this has been a long dry spell.

I’m celebrating a new normal and hopefully a way through Covid. I’m looking forward to a long hug with my mom.

What are you looking forward to this year? What are you looking forward to this season?



How do you mark milestones? Could be a birthday, work date, anniversary, or another year of a major occurrence in your life.

We used to celebrate our family anniversary- the date when we got the foster kids. Since they moved on, we acknowledge it but don’t mark it specially. My foster daughter’s 16th birthday just passed and it’s hard to believe she’s a teenager. I prayed for her and remembered her specially on the day.

Like I would tell her when we were a family- We all look at the same moon. I glanced at the full, bright moon this past week. I was hoping she was looking at it too. Sharing an activity even though apart.

Some people do something like have a special dinner, volunteer together for a community organization, watch past videos, or donate to a cause.

However you remember or mark milestones, may you bring kindness into the equation. Be kind to yourself if the anniversary is difficult. And, try to bring good into the world by giving back.


Happy Gal-entine’s Day!

“All you need is love. But, a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” – Charles M. Schulz

Wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day. And a happy Gal-entine’s day! You are loved.

In my life, I try to be lovely vs. beautiful. Beauty is often seen on the outside. Lovely has the root love. It means eliciting love by ideal worth. They are related words that are often interchangeable in women’s conversations. But, to me, lovely has so much more significance.

As a women, we are judged by so many inside and outside metrics. Our worth can often feel tied up in other people. Whether as friends, partners, caregivers, employees, parents, siblings, or children; we tend to take on tasks to serve others.

I want you to know that you are lovely! You are worthy! And, you are loved.



Are you finding things to bring you joy?

Speaking to a friend about what I’m doing this winter, I listed a group of productive activities. From taking on-line classes towards a professional certification to volunteering to organizing spaces in the house, I listed things I’ve been doing. “But, what are you doing for you?” she asked.

All of those things, I thought. But, those things are for other purposes. She wanted to know what I was doing for me and not for another purpose.

So, I relocated some craft items like paint and canvases up to a closet off the livingroom. If it’s handy, I’ll grab it on a weekend. Painting is a stress reliever and something I enjoy. I’m not great at it, but I enjoy it.

What are you doing for you? Seek something that brings you joy. If you don’t have any idea where to start, think back to what you enjoyed as a child. Hiking, coloring, gardening, painting.



A friend asked, “How do you deal with work stress?” By creating milestones and something to look forward to, I build into my schedule some stress relief valves. A quick walk on a lunch break, a talk with a friend or co-worker, and a good music or an Audible book allow for relief during the work day.

On the weekend, I try to build in something to anticipate. A favorite show, a nap, a pedicure, a fancy coffee, a call with a friend. Think about what you value and what brings you joy. And schedule it in to make sure it happens.

We all need re-fueling. Please be kind to yourself.

Happy end of January. Enjoy the weekend.



We are now in bleak mid-January. We are past the holidays, past the excitement of year end.

Please check on your friends. The quiet ones. The funny ones. All your friends.

Whether you text or phone or email or inbox them, ask how they are doing. And listen. People struggling won’t always be vocal about it.

I’m hoping you are weathering this winter well. Wishing you something to do, something to look forward to, and friends to support your life.
